This is my private blog for recording true life of myslef. I hope myself can hold on doing for summer and winter.








Dictator Who Ruled Iraq With Violence Is Hanged for Crimes Against Humanity

Saddam Hussein was hanged in Baghdad before dawn during the morning call to prayer. His execution came with terrible swiftness after he lost the appeal of his death sentence.

The final stages for Mr. Hussein, 69, came with terrible swiftness after he lost the appeal, five days ago, of his death sentence for the killings of 148 men and boys in the northern town of Dujail in 1982. He had received the sentence less than two months before from a special court set up to judge his reign as the almost unchallenged dictator of Iraq.

His execution at 6:10 a.m. was announced on state-run Iraqiya television. Witnesses said 14 Iraqi officials had attended the hanging, at the former military intelligence building in northern Baghdad, now part of an American base. Those in the room said that Mr. Hussein was dressed entirely in black and carrying a Koran and that he was compliant as the noose was draped around his neck.


今天凌晨03点,北京下了今年的第一场大雪,雪量不小,积雪大概有3到5cm,兴奋中...... 这场雪持续了12个小时,到今天下午四点钟才结束,目测厚度在10mm到15mm左右.

















我们不知不觉把话题扯到了爱情,我想可能是必然要牵扯到这个浪漫而又苦涩的话题吧。郭帅是一个“情种”(dude),高中起就开谈恋爱了,他说希望能在大学找一个伴儿,可以在一起逛逛街,说说话。挺有意思的。刚来大学才3个月,他已经身处多重情感的纠葛之中了,有曾经的相好,有夭折的爱意,还有萌芽中的好感,都够烦心的。我不是“爱情专家”,但我觉得他这样做似乎并不太稳妥,于己于人都不利。我建议他能给自己留一份空间,给所追求的感情留一个余地,不要做的太满,弄得将来退无可退。有些事情,自己感觉良好,但难免是一时的冲动,倘若不能让自己冷静地思考以下,keep calm head when you are facing the unenviale position of having to make decision.



There was so much noise, from large streets and small lanes, which spread around the town on Christmas eve. I rambled alone around the campus and silently enjoyed the feeling of my own solitude . For me, that has already been a regular thing every year. How to remove my emotional worries? So I sent many moblie messages to some of my bosom friends with best wishes for Christmas while I was lounging around aimlessly.

Went back the classroom to study for test. When I was reading an English passages on my reference book, my cell phone rang. It was LiuBin's call. He invited me to stop for a chat. Dropping those boring works to meet with good friends was very enjoyable and it would give me a real solace.

Liu said his morther asked him to buy a lady down coat for her. His morther hoped for a bright-colour coat. Liu wanted me to supply some advicese in shopping. We went to GUOMEI mansion which was opposite to our university. We spent about one hour on traipsing from one shop to another in the second floor and the third floor of the building. Liu had no idea which one was satisfactory. So he decieded to choose a down coat again later and finally buy it before leaving for his home in winter vacation.


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my friends and families in and out of Beijing. A gorgeous and classy Christmas tree is blazing alone in the dark blue woods on Christmas Eve.


Trip to food store a risk factor for Salmonella

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Exposure to reptiles and being in close proximity to meat and poultry in the supermarket are two modifiable risk factors for Salmonella infection in infants, according to what may be the largest reported study of infant Salmonella infection.

路透社健康版纽约报道 根据一份可能是规模最大的一份婴儿沙门氏菌感染的报告,婴儿沙门氏菌感染有两个随环境发生改变的危险因素:一是接触爬行类动物,二是在超市中紧密接触肉类和禽肉。

Salmonella is estimated to cause 1.4 million illnesses and 400 deaths each year in the United States. "Rates of Salmonella infection are highest in infants, but little is known about potential sources of infection in this high-risk population," note Dr. Timothy F. Jones of the Tennessee Department of Health in Nashville and colleagues in the journal Pediatrics for December.

在美国,估计沙门氏菌每年导致140万人患病,400多人死亡。“沙门氏菌传染率在婴儿中是最高的,但是对于该病在高危人群中的潜在传染源还知之甚少。”在纳什维尔的田纳西州卫生部的Timothy F. Jones 博士提醒说,他同时也在12月出任儿科杂志的合伙人。

They assessed diet and environmental exposures in the 5 days before onset of Salmonella infection in 442 infants from eight states and 928 age-matched controls who did not contract Salmonella.


"Compared with healthy controls, infants with Salmonella infection were less likely to have been breastfed and more likely to have had exposure to reptiles, to have ridden in a shopping cart next to meat or poultry, or to have consumed concentrated liquid infant formula during the 5-day exposure period," they report.


Travel outside the United States was associated with Salmonella infection in infants 3 to 6 months and older than 6 months of age. Attending day care with a child with diarrhea was also associated with infection in infants older than 6 months of age.


"Many of the risk factors identified in this study," write Jones and colleagues, "are potentially modifiable through targeted preventive education and behavioral change among the caretakers of infants."


"Attention should be directed at developing practical and effective measures to prevent Salmonella infection in this high-risk population," they conclude.


SOURCE: Pediatrics December 2006.



想得到,却又得不到。也许是人品问题吧,或者是我的方式不能被别人理解,也或者是我对事情的把握还不到位吧!为什么要给大A的博客写留言,我完全可以不写的,让人家倒头来删评论,是多么丢的事情啊。 其实主要是太寂寞了,才会东看看,西看看,看到好的就想评论,犯贱啊!以后可不能这样啦。

US Envoy Says Nuclear Talks with Pyongyang at Crucial Stage

The U.S. negotiator at the six-party talks aimed at persuading North Korea to give up nuclear weapons says the reclusive communist country has the choice of engaging in diplomacy or suffering the consequences of sanctions. From Beijing, where the formal talks get under way on Monday after a 13-month hiatus, Roger Wilkison reports Christopher Hill says the negotiations have reached a crucial stage.

参加旨在劝说朝鲜放弃核武器的六方会谈的美国代表说,这个封闭共产国家有一个机会作出外交努力或者承受制裁的火候。经历了13个月的休会后六方会谈在周一举行,Roger Wilkison从北京对 Christopher Hill 说,谈判进入关键时刻。

Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill told reporters in the Chinese capital that he and his fellow negotiators from North and South Korea, Japan, Russia and China have difficult days ahead.

助理国务卿Christopher Hill在中国首都告诉记者说,等在他和他来自朝鲜、韩国、日本、俄罗斯和中国谈判对手前面的是一段艰苦的日子。

Hill arrived in Beijing Sunday for the talks.


The talks on North Korea's nuclear program have gone on intermittently since 2003. Pyongyang has boycotted them since November of last year, in anger at U.S. financial sanctions imposed on the Stalinist state for allegedly counterfeiting U.S. currency and money laundering.


Shortly after it detonated a nuclear device in October, North Korea agreed to return to the talks. It says, however, that it must now be considered a nuclear power and will not give up its weapons until the United States changes what Pyongyang calls Washington's hostile attitude toward it.


Hill says it is time for North Korea to begin implementing its September 2005 agreement to scrap its nuclear weapons in exchange for aid and security guarantees from the United States and other countries.


Sounding impatient with Pyongyang's bargaining tactics, Hill says negotiations have now reached what he called a fork in the road.


"We can either go forward on a diplomatic track, or we have to go to a much more difficult track, and that is a track that involves sanctions and, I think, ultimately will really be very harmful to the D.P.R.K. economy," Hill says.


The D.P.R.K., or Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is North Korea's formal name.


The United Nations imposed trade sanctions on North Korea after its nuclear test, but it is unclear how much effect they have had on the impoverished country. China and South Korea have been reluctant to penalize their neighbor.

美国在朝鲜核试验后对其采取了贸易制裁。但是不清楚对这个贫瘠的国家有多大的作用(but it is unclear how much effects the have had on the impoverished country),中国和韩国不情愿制裁他们的邻居。(China and south Korea have been reluctant to penalize their neighbor)

North Korea has demanded that the United States lift its financial sanctions as a condition of the negotiations. Hill says his delegation is prepared to discuss that issue in a separate working group but that the real issue at stake is getting North Korea to take concrete steps toward denuclearization.



CO2-Hating Flies Betray CO2-Loving Mosquitoes

SCIENCE NEWS December 15, 2006

New discovery may lead to better bug repellant


Carbon dioxide: We're emitting too much of it in our industrial processes. We're not trapping enough of it in vegetation. Oh, and its presence in our exhaled breath provides mosquitoes carrying maladies like West Nile virus and malaria with a veritable GPS to our bloodstreams. Rockefeller University researchers have identified two proteins expressed by carbon dioxide-sensing neurons in drosophila fruit flies and mosquitoes--a discovery they say could help them design better insect repellants to shield us from the disease-laden bugs.


"Once we show that the mosquito receptors function in the same way as the fly receptors, we take a hint from drug companies--once they have a protein target in mind, [we] can screen for inhibitors of it." says neurogeneticist Leslie Vosshall, the lead author on the study, published in this week's issue of Nature.

"曾经我们发现蚊子的感官功能与苍蝇的感官功能相似,我们从一家制药公司获得了启示——他们曾经考虑到一个蛋白质目标,我们能展现出它的抑制剂。"该项研究的首席专家、神经学家Leslie Vosshall在本周出版的《自然》杂志上作出了上述表示。

It has been known since 2001 that when neurons in the fruit fly's antennae sense carbon dioxide, they release the chemosensory receptor protein Gr21a. Based on her research, and that of others, however, Vosshall knew that insects need two receptor proteins to detect common smells like fruits and flowers. "One of them binds to the smell," she says, "and the other one is critically important to make the [binded protein] function."


By examining other taste receptors in the fly's antennae, Vosshall's team discovered that one particular protein--Gr63a--is coexpressed with Gr21a in both larvae and adults. By genetically engineering flies that only released one of the two proteins, the Rockefeller group determined that a combination of the two is necessary to get the antennae neurons buzzing. For instance, a strain of fly with a mutated version of Gr63a could not detect concentrated carbon dioxide mixtures that normal flies--which are carbon dioxide-averse--would flee from.

通过检测苍蝇触须的其他味觉感觉器官,Vosshall的团队发现一个特别的蛋白质——Gr63a——是在幼虫和成虫的Gr21a蛋白质来共同表达的。通过遗传工程,苍蝇只表现出两个蛋白质中的一个,Rockefeller研究 团队认为两个个蛋白质对于触须神经的嗡鸣是必须的。一种现代有变异版的Gr63a蛋白质的苍蝇不能发现集中二氧化碳的混合物,而普通苍蝇——二氧化碳的厌恶者——会很快逃离。

Vosshall then turned to the mosquito genome to search for genes akin to those of flies. The team found two strong candidates: GPRGR22 and GPRGR24. "They are 62 percent and 48 percent identical, which, in the world of chemosensory receptors, is very similar," Vosshall notes. "There's very little in common between the fruit fly and the mosquito as regards other taste receptors and smell receptors, so these are pretty strongly conserved."

Vosshall 转向蚊子基因组的研究,目的是研究一些苍蝇的基因种群。这个研究小组发现两个强大的候选蛋白质:GPRGR22 和GPRGR24。“他们是62%和48%是同一的。在化学反应感官的领域,他们的机能是相同的,” Vosshall注意到。“关于其他味觉感官和嗅觉感官,在果蝇和蚊子间这种现象是很少见的,所以它们被很好的保存了。”

Unlike the flies, however, mosquitoes have their carbon dioxide-sensing neurons in their maxillary palps (specialized sensory organs located on either side of the insect's proboscis, which the female uses to draw blood from her host). Greg Suh, a researcher at the California Institute of Technology whose lab first identified the fruit fly's carbon dioxide-sensitive neurons, believes the locations of the neurons may explain a major behavioral difference between the insect species: "That's maybe the reason why," he speculates, "mosquitoes are attracted to CO2 whereas fruit flies are repelled by it."

与苍蝇不同。虽然,蚊子在它们的混合触须上有它们的二氧化碳感觉神经。(特别感觉器官位于虫子的两边的嘴上,母虫子常用他们来吸取宿主的血液)。,第一个在实验室里发现果蝇的二氧化碳敏感神经的加州理工大学的研究者Greg Suh相信,这个神经的位置可能解释这个昆虫物种之间的一个主要的不同行为。“这可能就是为什么文字会被二氧化碳吸引,反而果蝇会逃避二氧化碳的原因。”她说。

Vosshall now wants to disable these receptors--at least in the case of mosquitoes--by developing an effective repellant. The current industry-standard compound in bug spray is DEET but, according to Vosshall, no one knows exactly how it works. She believes that her lab will be able to improve on DEET by inhibiting GPRGR22 and GPRGR24. "Whatever we devise would need to be safe, cheap & so that it can be used in the developing world," Vosshall says. "They would have to be the kinds of molecules that would sit safely on your skin, but also form a cloud around you and act on the mosquitoes that are about to bite you." --Nikhil Swaminathan

Vosshall现在希望通过发展一种有效的驱虫剂让这些感官失去功能——至少让蚊子失去功能。目前的工业标准混合在喷雾剂里是DEET,但是,根据Vosshall的研究,没有人准确地知道它是如何工作的。她相信她的实验室将提高DEET通过,抑制GPRGR22 和 GPRGR24蛋白质。“不论我们设计什么,都需要安全,便宜,以便它能用于发展中国家。” Vosshall说。“他们必须是一种能安全停留在我们表皮的分子,还形成一种云雾环绕在你周围,作用于即将叮咬你的蚊子”。


U.S.-China talks end, no results

BEIJING, China (AP) -- U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Friday that China had pledged greater exchange-rate flexibility but gave no timetable as the two sides wrapped up high-level talks.


The American and Chinese delegations announced agreements to cooperate more closely to promote trade, open markets, protect the environment and develop cleaner energy sources.


But they gave no indication of commitments that might mollify U.S. critics who wanted Paulson to take a hard line with Beijing on its currency, which they say is putting U.S. companies at a disadvantage because it is unfairly undervalued.


"We each will take measures to address global imbalances through greater national savings in the United States and to increase consumption and exchange-rate flexibility in China," Paulson said.


Paulson was speaking at a briefing with his counterpart, Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi, who described the two-day discussions as useful and productive but did not comment on the currency dispute.


"This dialogue has helped both of us to build mutual understanding and enhance trust," she said, adding a number of differences remained.


"That such differences remain is understandable because the actual situations of China and the United States are completely different," Wu said.


The talks at the Great Hall of the People in central Beijing were billed as a long-range "strategic economic dialogue." They were launched by President Bush and Chinese President Hu Jintao in September as a way for the countries to boost their economic ties.


The second round will be held in Washington in May.




Wu said Beijing hoped the exchanges would help clear up U.S. misunderstandings about China.


China's mounting trade surpluses with the United States have fueled complaints by American manufacturers that Beijing keeps the Chinese yuan undervalued, giving its exporters an unfair price advantage.


The United States says its November trade gap with China swelled to $24.4 billion. It is on track to hit $229 billion this year, far above last year's record $202 billion level.


The export surge has nudged up the yuan, which on Thursday was allowed to rise to its highest level since Beijing began easing controls in July 2005, partly in response to American prodding. Chinese stock markets also rose to a five-year high Thursday.


Paulson has tried to play down expectations of breakthroughs in this week's talks, describing them as the start of a long-term discussion, but the high-profile of the U.S. delegation had raised expectations.


Paulson's delegation also includes Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman, Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, Trade Representative Susan Schwab and Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, as well as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency.


Chinese Finance Minister Jin Renqing told the same briefing that Beijing would allow the Nasdaq market and New York Stock Exchange to open formal business offices in China.


Jin did not give a timetable for opening the offices or any other details. Dozens of Chinese companies have listed shares on Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange, and both are eager for business as China's economy booms.


The Nasdaq Stock Market Inc. has a representative office in Beijing but that status restricts the scope of its activities, barring companies from doing such things as signing contracts. The parent of the New York Stock Exchange is the NYSE Group.


Copyright 2006 The Associated Press.


这是在哪里照的照片? 我自己都记不起来了。2002年去天津玩的时候,我没有去周恩来邓颖超纪念馆。也许大概是在2001年,与秦冠男一起去军事博物馆时照的吧。How time flies! 是不是和秦冠男? My sky! 我的记性 my poor memory!



1.The contract is available according to intentions expressed both sides. so the loss will not affect the validity of the contract. But as a result of fires, the loss of the subject matter of the contract can not be fulfill. Therefore, it will effect to performance the contract.


2.Peter is a third party acting in good faith in this case. After check has been stolen, the checks should be declared lost to bank. Then the bank sent some relevant information on the stolen check to businesses and asked them to stop accepting this check, but the bank has not fulfilled the obligation to inform. Pete well-obtain the check, He can go to the bank and requested checks.


3.The documents contained information on the quota.


Constituent elements of the contract are a part of the contract itself. the validity of the contract affect conditions, so if Contract is invalid, the conditional clauses would be null. Guarantee clauses which attached to the contract have relatively independent status. The contract can be fulfilled, rely on assurances from the guarantee clauses, when the side part of contract doesn’t want to perform the contract.

5, 所有权保留:

Retention of ownership:

Meaning: In commercial contract, both sides come to agreement that, the buyer didn’t perform its contractual obligations or other related tasks. After the seller to deliver the goods subject of the contract,he still retain ownership of a legal system.

Role: The aims are to protect the interests of the seller, and supervise the buyer fulfill the payment or other obligations.

Function: Enhance the security of transactions, to ensure the achievement of the purposes of the contract.

1, 在停车场,首先,其警示标语的位置导致标语无法看到,对此停车场的运营商应承担一定责任,其次,即使标语明显,停车场也有义务对车辆进行看管。
2, 在旅馆,在住客入住旅馆时旅馆与住客之间形成一个合同,旅馆应该负有对旅客人身财产进行保护的义务,因此,旅店也不能免则

6. These three sufferings were caused by the format of the contract of parks and hotels. According to legal provisions, in formatted clauses, all other terms of reducing their obligations and increasing obligations of the other side are invalid. Therefore it can not be the basis for impunity.

1, In the parking lot, first of all, the location of warning posters lead the slogan not to be seen, parking lot operators should bear some responsibilities accordingly, and secondly, even if the slogan Obviously, the car parks have an obligation to take charge of vehicles there.

2, in hotel, when the hotel is opened for occupation by tenants, there has been a contract between hotel and tenants. Hotel operators should have the obligation to protect tenants’ human safety and personal property; Hotel can’t avoid the legal effectiveness of the obligation.

Given the above reasons, George can make the hotel and car parks to litigation of breach of contract or tort litigation and depend on the legal weapon to defend their legitimate rights.



A man's car broke down as he was driving past abeautiful old monastery. He walked up the drive and knocked on the front door. A monk answered, listened to the man's story and graciously invited him to spend the night.

The monks fed the man and led him to a tiny chamberin which to sleep. The man thanked the monks and slept serenely until he was awakened by a strange and beautiful sound.

The next morning, as the monks were repairing his car,he asked about the sound that had woke him.

"We're sorry," the monks said. "We can't tell you about the sound. You're not a monk."The man was disappointed, but eager to be gone,so he thanked the monks for their kindness and went on his way.

During quiet moments afterward, the man pondered the source of the alluring sound. Several years later the man happened to be driving in the same area. He stopped at the monastery on a whim and asked admittance. He explained to the monks that he had so enjoyed his previous stay, he wondered if he might be permitted to spend another night under their peaceful roof. The monks agreed, and so the man stayed with them again.Late that night, he heard the strange beautiful sound.

The following morning he begged the monks to explain the sound. The monks gave him the same answer as before."We're sorry. We can't tell you about the sound.You're not a monk."

By now the man's curiosity had turned to obsession.He decided to give up everything and become a monk,for that was the only way he could learn about the sound.He informed the monks of his decision and began the longand arduous task of becoming a monk.

Seventeen years later, the man was finally establishedas a true member of the order.

When the celebration ended, he humbly went to the leaderof the order and asked to be told the source of the sound.

Silently, the old monk led the new monk to a hugewooden door. He opened the door with a golden key.That door swung open to reveal a second door of silver, then a third of gold and so on until they had passed through twelve doors, each more magnificent than the last.The new monk's face was awash with tears of joyas he finally beheld the wondrous source of the beautiful mysterious sound he had heard so many years before.......

But, I can't tell you what it was...

Because you're not a monk !



中关村,被称为中国的“硅谷”(silicon valley),而就是这个中国高级知识分子最集中的区域,我居然有两年的时间没有来拜访。还记得最近一次来中关村是在2004年的1月份。两年过去了,听说这里变化很大,一直没有机会到中关村去走一走,看一看。但身不能及,心向往之。











Liu Xiang on his way to gold

Liu Xiang achieved his twin aims of gold and a new Asian Games record when winning the men’s 110m hurdles at Khalifa Stadium on Wednesday.


The Chinese superstar of the track was slow out of the start, but his superior speed and technique soon told and he stormed to the line in 13.15 seconds, 0.12 better than the Games record he set when winning in Busan, Korea four years ago.


It was double joy for China, as Liu dragged Shi Dongpeng through to a new personal best of 13.28 for the silver. The bronze went to Masato Naoto of Japan in 13.60. There was also noteworthy performance for the home fans to enjoy as Mohammed Essa MA Al Thawadi finished 6th in a new personal best of 13.89.

对于中国来说,是双喜临门。因为在刘翔的带领下,是史冬鹏创造了13.28秒的个人最好成绩,获得了一枚银牌。铜牌被日本的Masato Naoto,成绩是13.60秒。值得注意的表现是,本地的观众为取得第六名的Mohammed Essa MA Al Thawadi所创造的 13.89秒的个人最好成绩而感到高兴。

After his victory, Liu said, "Before the race I planned to run slower, but after the start I saw a black shadow following me. I was scared to be defeated by him. So I picked up. I felt very relaxed. If I am nervous I will not achieve a good result.


Seeing as it's the end of the [competition] year, I am very satisfied with the result. He also revealed his plans for the coming days, "I want to do some shopping. I heard that watches in Doha are very cheap. I want to buy some for my family.” Looking further ahead in his career, he said, "My goal is to win at the Beijing Olympic Games. And see you in Guangzhou." He said, in reference to the next Asian Games.


After racing to silver, Shi said, “The first part was good, but my speed in the last part is not as good as Liu." Bronze medallist Naito said, "The competitor next to me [Shi] went fast. I was thinking that I was going to finish third at least. I wanted to try to finish second. I prepared well for the race, but I lack experience of real races." He also revealed something of his history with the gold medallist, he said, "I trained with Mr Liu Xiang when I was in high school with the same coach."


UN secretary Anna criticized America harshly

Monday, Dec. 11, 2006

When [America] appears to abandon
its own ideals and objectives,
its friends abroad are naturally
troubled and confused.

— Secretary-General Kofi Annan

the outgoing United Nations leader,
in a farewell speech that delivered
tough criticism of
President Bush's foreign policy


Self Improvement Is A Key To Quitting Smoking

Often smokers ask how to quit smoking? The answer is quit by quitting. If you are soft, and if you show the slightest latitude, you will continue to sail aimlessly in the rudderless boat. You are unlikely to reach your destination.

Don't complain about lack of assistance. Much of the aids and material are available to you in the market today to help you in the process of quitting! These materials will be of use to you only if you have a strong will power. Any pact is useless unless there is a strong will power to implement it.The most amazing thing about the quality of you the smoker is that you are aware of the fact that you can't escape punishment for your misdeed. The habit of smoking can turn into a life-time suffering in the form of severe diseases or death itself. And yet many smokers have hesitation to quit smoking!

The main problem before you is how to spend the time that you normally spend in smoking. Those long and short intervals of nicotine pull and push!Now, you need to fill up these gaps with positive activities. The same needs to be done in a systematic manner. If you do not organize this activity properly, there is every chance of you slipping into the nicotine zone again.

You are caught in the net of nicotine, and it is a complicated weave. If you escape from one end, you are trapped at the other end. The situation is somewhat like that. To begin with, try to be strong at the intellectual level. Read lots of anti-smoking literature.

The actual process of coming out of the nicotine net is time-consuming and complicated. Read lots of case studies, regarding the life stories of the suffering of the smokers.Visit a cancer ward in a hospital and talk to the patients and the doctors. This will have a telling impact on your mind. Your determination to quit smoking will solidify.

Sometimes, simple substitutes work effectively. Buy common cinnamon sticks. They are comfortable to suck. It has the appearance of the cigar. Cinnamon is healthy from the point of view of the health of heart.

When the urge to smoke becomes too much, just get up from that place and go for a brisk walk that will tire you out.Have a regular schedule of exercise, meditation and breathing exercises. You have to slowly and steadily enhance your internal strength.This time you must succeed in your stop smoking effort. You are already late, but better late than never!










