NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Exposure to reptiles and being in close proximity to meat and poultry in the supermarket are two modifiable risk factors for Salmonella infection in infants, according to what may be the largest reported study of infant Salmonella infection.
路透社健康版纽约报道 根据一份可能是规模最大的一份婴儿沙门氏菌感染的报告,婴儿沙门氏菌感染有两个随环境发生改变的危险因素:一是接触爬行类动物,二是在超市中紧密接触肉类和禽肉。
Salmonella is estimated to cause 1.4 million illnesses and 400 deaths each year in the United States. "Rates of Salmonella infection are highest in infants, but little is known about potential sources of infection in this high-risk population," note Dr. Timothy F. Jones of the Tennessee Department of Health in Nashville and colleagues in the journal Pediatrics for December.
在美国,估计沙门氏菌每年导致140万人患病,400多人死亡。“沙门氏菌传染率在婴儿中是最高的,但是对于该病在高危人群中的潜在传染源还知之甚少。”在纳什维尔的田纳西州卫生部的Timothy F. Jones 博士提醒说,他同时也在12月出任儿科杂志的合伙人。
They assessed diet and environmental exposures in the 5 days before onset of Salmonella infection in 442 infants from eight states and 928 age-matched controls who did not contract Salmonella.
"Compared with healthy controls, infants with Salmonella infection were less likely to have been breastfed and more likely to have had exposure to reptiles, to have ridden in a shopping cart next to meat or poultry, or to have consumed concentrated liquid infant formula during the 5-day exposure period," they report.
Travel outside the United States was associated with Salmonella infection in infants 3 to 6 months and older than 6 months of age. Attending day care with a child with diarrhea was also associated with infection in infants older than 6 months of age.
"Many of the risk factors identified in this study," write Jones and colleagues, "are potentially modifiable through targeted preventive education and behavioral change among the caretakers of infants."
"Attention should be directed at developing practical and effective measures to prevent Salmonella infection in this high-risk population," they conclude.
SOURCE: Pediatrics December 2006.