WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Congressional Democrats challenged President Bush on Tuesday night to take "the right kind of action" on the Iraq war and the economy, and promised to back him if he does. 民主党国会议员周二挑战布什总统在伊拉克战争和经济政策中采取一种正确的行动,并承诺如果他这样做就会支持他的。"If he does not," Virginia Sen. Jim Webb said in the Democrats' official response to Bush's State of the Union address, "we will be showing him the way." “如果他不这样做,”弗吉尼亚参议员Webb在民主党官方回应布什国情咨文时说,“我们会观听其言,观其行的。”Webb's speech ignored other key issues Bush touched on - such as health care and energy - to focus on foreign policy and economic disparity. Webb的演讲忽视了布什提到的其他关键问题——如医疗卫生和能源问题——而聚焦于外交政策和经济发展差异。Webb cited the actions of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, who took on economic imbalances Webb compared to today's, and Dwight Eisenhower, who brought an end to the Korean War. Webb 援引罗斯福总统的措施,他解决了经济不平衡,Webb对比了如今的情况。他还提到了艾森豪威尔结束了朝鲜战争。
"Those presidents took the right kind of action," Webb said, "for the benefit of the American people and for the health of our relations around the world." Webb said the positive aspects of the American economy "are not being fairly shared." "这些总统都采取了正确措施,"Webb说,“为了美国人民的福祉和为了全世界范围内的我们民族的健康。”他说这些美国经济积极的一面“现在没有被公平的分享。”
He noted that wages and salaries are low related to national wealth, college tuition rates are high and much of the country's manufacturing jobs are heading out of the country.
"In short, the middle class of this country, our historic backbone and our best hope for a strong society in the future, is losing its place at the table," Webb said.He touted the House's recent passage of a bill to raise the minimum wage as an example of the way forward.
"We've established a tone of cooperation and consensus that extends beyond party lines," he said. "We're working to get the right things done, for the right people and for the right reasons." On the foreign policy front, Webb directed his remarks to the president's current strategy in Iraq and his plan to increase U.S. forces there by more than 20,000 troops.
Displaying a photograph of his father as an Air Force captain more than 50 years ago, Webb said that the nation's elected officials owe American troops "sound judgment, clear thinking, concern for (their) welfare, (and) a guarantee that the threat to our country was equal to the price we might be called upon to pay in defending it."
Bush went to war 'recklessly' 布什卤莽地发动了战争
"The president took us into this war recklessly," he said, adding that Bush disregarded warnings from several current and former officials about the cost of the war in Iraq. "We are now, as a nation, held hostage to the predictable -- and predicted -- disarray that has followed." “总统卤莽地让我们卷进了战争,”他说,此外布什不理会来自一些现任和前任官员关于伊拉克战争成本的警告。“作为一个国家,我们现在被当作可预见的——已经预见到了的尽随其后的混乱局面的人质。”
The country has paid the price financially, in damage to the nation's reputation, in "the precious blood of our citizens" and in "lost opportunities to defeat the forces of international terrorism," said Webb, who was an early opponent of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and whose son is a Marine serving in Iraq's Anbar province.
Noting polls that show a majority of Americans opposing the war in Iraq, he said the country needs "a new direction."
"Not one step back from the war against international terrorism," he said. "Not a precipitous withdrawal that ignores the possibility of further chaos. But an immediate shift toward strong, regionally based diplomacy -- a policy that takes our soldiers off the streets of Iraq's cities, and a formula that will in short order allow our combat forces to leave Iraq."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid chose Webb to deliver the response in part because he's a Vietnam veteran and former Republican secretary of the Navy. His surprise victory over former Sen. George Allen, R-Virginia, helped lock up Democratic control of the Senate.
Pelosi and Reid issued a joint statement after the president's speech. They promised a vote to measure confidence in Bush's Iraq strategy.
"While the president continues to ignore the will of the country, Congress will not ignore this president's failed policy," they said. "His plan will receive an up-or-down vote in both the House and the Senate, and we will continue to hold him accountable for changing course in Iraq."
A prominent critic of the president's Iraq policy, Rep. D-Pennsylvania, said he wanted specifics from Bush. "It's not enough to make broad proposals," Murtha said. "We need details of how we can get to where the president wants to take us."
Earlier in the day, Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean said Bush "should have thought about the consequences of failure before he went into Iraq."
"We need to end this misadventure in Iraq," Dean said on CNN's "The Situation Room."
"We need to do it carefully and thoughtfully -- we can't bring the troops all home at once -- but we need to go in the opposite direction from where the president wants to take the country," he said.
Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colorado, who is seeking the 2008 Republican nomination for president, sharply criticized Bush's proposal for an immigrant "guest worker" program. "I am disappointed but not surprised that the president has once again chosen to trot out this same old pig -- albeit one with a slightly new shade of lipstick," Tancredo said. "If there is one thing this president seems intent on demonstrating to the American public again and again, it is that he is utterly tone deaf.
来自北卡罗莱纳主准备角逐共和党2008年总统候选人提名的Tom Tancredo,强烈的批评布什总统一个有关移民的“客居工作者”计划的建议。“我们很遗憾但是并不吃惊,总统再一次选择了涉及这个老问题——既然已经有了一个带有些许新的口红印记,”Tancredo说。“如果总统看起来再三试图管制美国公众,那就说明他完全是个音盲。”
"The president and his new Democratic allies in Congress seem hell-bent on cramming this mass amnesty down the throats of the American people whether they want it or not." Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, who is considering a run for the Democratic nomination, said, "I think it's important to respond in a constructive way."
"But the last election proved that politics-by-slogan and poll-tested sound bites aren't going to cut it with the American people anymore, and that's why the real test of leadership is not what the president said to Congress tonight, but how he works with Congress to find real solutions to the problems we face."